Conquering Import Challenges of Hi-Tech Service Spare Parts in the MEA

Conquering Import Challenges of Hi-Tech Service Spare Parts in the MEA

The Middle East and Africa region has experienced rapid growth in adopting hi-tech and cybersecurity products in recent years, which inevitably leads to an increase in demand for service spare parts. Despite this opportunity, companies in these industries face various challenges when importing service spare parts to the region.


The Role of an Independent Caretaker for Regulatory Approvals in the MEA

The manufacturing industry for MedTech and Hi-Tech products is an evolving sector that must comply with ever-changing regulations in the MEA region. In order to bring products into UAE, Saudi Arabia or Egypt, manufacturers must comply with authorities and regulators such as MOH, SFDA, EDA, TRA, FANR, SABER, NTRA and others.

Hierarchy of Service Supply Chain Objectives for 2023

Hierarchy of Service Supply Chain Objectives for 2023

Effective spare parts management is crucial for manufacturers that provide high-value equipment to customers. When problems arise, customers expect quick and efficient resolution, and manufacturers must have a solid strategy in place to ensure a timely supply of spare parts.

5 Reasons Why Companies Need IOR Services

5 Reasons Why Companies Need IOR Services

When your company plans to import goods into a new country, you'll soon discover you must have a local legal entity or an appointed agent there. This is when an independent importer of record (IOR) can help.

how to reduce supply chain costs

How Can Service Supply Chain Costs Be Reduced for Time-Critical Equipment?

Supply chain management, particularly for high-value equipment and spare parts imported into the MEA region, has grown dramatically over the past 20 years.

Importer of Record UAE

When to Outsource an Importer of Record?

If your business accepts high-value equipment and spare parts imported into the MEA region, you are fully aware it’s a complex and time-consuming process.

HONOR Partners with Pedigri Technologies

HONOR Partners with Pedigri Technologies to provide superior customer care in the UAE

HONOR, a global technology company, recently inaugurated the HONOR Service Center in collaboration with Pedigri Technologies.


How do you run a Demo Equipment Program that converts?

The major challenge in the traditional process of handling demo equipment is time. The faster you deliver your equipment to a prospect, and the faster you pick it up to re-customize and send it to the next customer, the more deals you close.


The Medical Devices Market in Middle East & Africa: Trends, Expectations and Opportunities

The Middle East and Africa market for medical devices is growing exponentially year on year since 2014, and this expansion is expected to continue at 5%, or more, in the coming years.


New Year Resolutions to Recharge your Supply Chain in 2021

Pedigri Technologies Team decided to share our view on the top three supply chain resolutions that every industry leader should consider to maintain the organization’s position in the market.